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Showing posts from December, 2016


EPISODE five - By Acetyl Physiology practical came...the most deterring exams where we had to answer an SAQ question under 40seconds...who does that? It was more or less like racing for the Olympics in the so called stupid-chase ( stipple chase). At the bch practical exams, I couldn't find the indicator used in the titration and was made to fabricate one from my thinking centre. After all these, I nearly gave up on the exams after reviewing the flaws committed - some questions were left un- answered, many were wrongly answerd. That on the day of the viva exams....I was ready for dazing from the external examiner who  asked me to move stuff on gross of skull and embryology of the stomach...I was flatly dazed in physiology but not in IP...some mates started crying cos their emotion centres couldn't bear the "you don't know anything" slogan from the examiners. We finished the exams...we finished the race but we haven't yet received medal as our fate s...


EPISODE four - By Acetyl We all went away with the feelings that real exam starts tomorrow - the next day. After the normal trend of read, sleep, read, eat, and read, we settled for anatomy exam the next day where Akinola did it again. To some, it has always been a surprise while to many it's nothing as we were dazed with some questions we never treated in any anatomy class. He had always been telling us to know all even with its inarguably scrupulous USMLE standard questions. We did this for about 3 hours after which we dispersed to get ready for the multiple choice questions aspects which held about few hours after the theory. The christians among us went to their prayer ground as the normal routine after every exams while some of the muslims went to the mosque. After getting to the hostel, I observed 2 rakats prayer, called on my God to get favour from Akinola's red pen. The exams kept going on and on with the normal trend - physiology then biochemis...


EPISODE three - By Acetyl I quickly carried my books to arrange the stuff in order in my already confused brain. I just have to pass, kept telling myself. Even though I kept dozing off as I read on cos I could not meet up with the standard 8hrs of deep bed and pillow could testify to that. I had to take a nap of few minutes, observe the morning salat to add more to the loads of prayers sent to heaven for success in the exam. Tension grew higher as the the hour burns up. At about 8:00am I exit the hostel's reading room located at the most distal part in between the toilets, got dressed up in my already ironed shirt and trouser with a ill- knotted tie and my IDcard on. Ready for the exam already... On getting to the class where the exams was supposed to hold, it was as dry as desert... and silent as the graveyard which made me to wonder if the exam has been postponed. People were still hidden in bushes waiting for the arrival of the examiners before they showed ...


                OVERCOMING the FRIGHT EPISODE two - By Acetyl The fear of my pre mbbs results is the beginning of failure as it kept giving me tachycardia....about three proximal 50s..."kini katigbo". Even when I know mine was still better, I just couldn't compare myself with others when it comes to examinations. My kitchen utensils went on strike as I could not spare a second getting dishes ready myself when I have aunty Latifat at the pepsi bar whose readily prepared jollof mixed with fried rice would always sustain every worms in my GIT. After reading for hours, and almost got tired...I said to myself. "what doesn't kill a man will only make him stronger"..."we will do it anyhow it comes noni". Even when someone like Akinola (HOD-Anatomy) is there with his dreadful physiologically related anatomy questions and Prof Adesokan clinically related applied biochemistry questions. The paper we had the next day was Integrated papers (IP) b...


                OVERCOMING the FRIGHT INTRODUCTION What doesn't kill you, they say makes you stronger. Exams don't test one's knowledge as well as they test one's state of mind which makes us grow more tensed whenever we are to be tested. How I wish there are lectures without exams - sayings of an average student like myself. We just scaled through the dreadful red-sea with our hearts in our hands...somehow.``` From my own self, I dedicate this story to those good friends who one way or the other couldn't cross the sea with us. I believe it's for the best...stay blessed. OVERCOMING the FRIGHT EPISODE one - By Acetyl We have been through lots of spanking and dazing from strange and bothering questions in print; but this time it was different. To make it more confusing, the last lecture was the most boring one as strange topics began to erupt from the oral cavity of Pro Adesokan (HOD Biochemistry) - an old, agile, man in his late 50...

Pretty Vs Great

Either PRETTY or GREAT Just as a means of reminiscing on old moments, gathering flashbacks that one never prayed for but just happened based on "destiny", although overrated. As a boy from poor home, where the mother was just a petty trader with irregular income and the father an Islamic cleric with no apparent source of income leaving the children at Ill-fated fates, just be who you wanna be. I could remember having friends of same caliber, we never ate till satisfaction with many looking malnourished like marasmic patients. We just couldn't differentiate between nutrition and diet, food is food so far the stomach if full We played under the moonlights with only pants on running around the locals making the police-and-thief game catch. We were always present in all forms of local games from monini to bojuboju to the night fairy tales always told by grandpa whenever he visited the city. We only saw children of rich background in moving cars, we never had an...

The Plights Of Every Medical Graduand

The Plights Of Every Medical Graduand The journey of six years eventually comes to an more no time. A lot of time left to reach out to family and friends who you have been away from for a while. A time to quit the stuff life and add little sugar to the salt. To the book addict, they might feel caged after some days without stuffs. To the "I just want to pass", it serves as beginning of their freedom. They will at first subject themselves to what they have been deprived of while busy with stuff. Many want to lay can't just explain how happy they are... Having been to about two induction ceremonies, I can easily explain that tachycardic feeling of the graduants and strange feelings of myself that keeps making me feel like a patient with cerebral edema. Every thing will just swell like a loaf of bread about to be baked, with my dopaminergic neurons firing like an epileptic patient. I always wish I go to the auditorium with a carbonic anhydrase in...